Vicky Vaughn
Fiber Arts
From an early age, I was drawn to knitting. Self-taught through repetition and practice, I embraced mistakes as learning opportunities. My journey began with a simple child's sweater design, made for extra income at a local craft fair. Gradually, I expanded into intricate intarsia designs and playful 3D creations like my elephant sweater, featuring a trunk on the front and tail on the back. Today, my offerings include fish hats, scarves disguised as hot cocoa mugs, and various uniquely shaped hats. Inspiration comes from online images or playful comments from my grandchildren, proving that there are no limits to what one can knit.
Most of my business comes from local craft fairs in Southern Maine and New Hampshire. The annual holiday bazaar held at Dover High School, sponsored by the High School music program, is my favorite craft fair. I've been participating in that event since the very beginning. Over the years, my craft has evolved alongside the growth of the fair, providing an opportunity to showcase my new products to attendees.
I also teach knitting at several area Adult Education programs. Knitting can be therapeutic and healing, fostering conversation and connection. I love how knitting sparks conversations as needles quietly click and loop. It's not just about creating something; it's the communal experience that I enjoy most.
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